
For over a century, the name “Haus Morgenland” has stood for hospitality, friendliness, service and comfort. The people who visit us and the people who stand for the service deserve special attention.

Warm welcome, loving care during the stay are a great and real concern for us.

On 02.12.1842 the statute for the constitution of the association: “Frauen-Verein für Christliche Bildung des weiblichen Geschlechts im Morgenlande” was signed. In daily parlance, this became the Oriental Women’s Mission.

On October 26, 1902, the house built by Pastor Friedrich v. Bodelschwingh was put into operation. It served to train women in church ministry, for congregations and schools in Germany and overseas. In 1957, a new Feierabendheim/Nurses’ Residence building was added to the property.

From 1969 the house was used for further education of church employees for seminars and retreats.

In 1981 a cooperation agreement was signed with the Berliner Missionswerk to use the house for East-West exchange as a conference and meeting place.

In 1997, the EJF e.V. Jugend-, und Fürsorgewerk took over the previous sponsorship. The house was converted into a hotel and classified according to DEHOGA standard with three stars.

Since that time Hotel Morgenland is open as a hotel for every guest and can be reached through all modern booking systems and media.

In 2002, the Oriental Women’s Mission celebrated its 160th anniversary and, to mark the occasion, renovated the park chapel and erected a bell tower with a devotional bell.

In the summer of 2020, the Morgenländische Frauenmission was transferred to the Stiftung Morgenland.